The Prodigal Treasure

Who is like You, O God?

You Who pick up the fallen, restore the broken and remember the forgotten. 

You Who honor the prisoner and wash his wounds and clean the blood from his hands and heart. 

You Who determine the fate of the powerful who rail against You for they have determined that they are wiser than You. 

You Who won’t trade Your glory to another for any reason. You Who, when the accuser offered You the Kingdoms of the world, those same Kingdoms that You knew were Your inheritance, You flatly refused a shortcut to claiming what is lawfully Yours. 

There is no compromise in You. You are the fountain and foundation of Truth, and You display absolute confidence that You will win. I believe You. 

Who is like You, O God?

You Who have remembered the murderer in our jails, and You refuse to forget him. 

You Who remember the daughter whose innocence has been stolen, and You see her with hope and power and purity. She has no shame in Your eyes. 

You Who remember the mother who languishes in grief for lost sons and daughters who refused to listen, and You chase those children across the globe, the prayers of the mother following in Your footsteps. You remember the father who groans in prayer for his wayward sons and daughters to once again seek Your face and heart.

You are the prodigal Chaser. 

You Who sit with the addict as the needle pierces his arm for the thousandth time, the chemical rush taking him to a place of temporary euphoria as he medicates the pain of his childhood. You are there when he crashes down again, and You are there when he picks the needle up yet one more time. You speak to him constantly though he does not hear You, yet You will not stop chasing. 

You are the prodigal Redeemer.

You Who knows the shame of the five-year-old who has been assaulted again by people who should have protected her, her world being shattered, her pain distorting how she will see You and others in her life for years to come. She does not see yet how You will come to her and how You lived her pain as she did, but she will see. The Truth comes, and when it does, it wins. All else will lose, even if she walks away for a time. 

You are the prodigal Healer. 

You Who go to the jails with perfect sight, knowing exactly what You will find there yet You go anyway, fearlessly, for You esteem the prisoner highly. The consuming fire of Your Love is perfect, and it is a perfect weapon to counter the weapons of fear and control in our jails. You go to the man and woman who have been crushed underfoot in our jails and You find those whom we did not see.  

You are the prodigal Keeper.

You Who refuse to allow any darkness to keep You from those whom You love. You Who will leave the 99 found sheep to find the 1 sheep precariously perched over the edge of yet one more cliff. You Who do not consider worldly honor a thing to be sought after and attained as You continue to search out those whom the rest of us have forgotten to look for. Teach us to look and search as You do.

You are the prodigal Seeker.

You Who actively come to the women who, in their pain and through the injustices suffered in life, found you and dedicated themselves in prayer to You, and You hear them and You speak to them and they know You. They find that You listen and love in a way that speaks to their hearts most candidly and fully, and they do not turn from You because You show them that You value them and what they have to say. They return their love to You faithfully. You have answered the prayers of their hearts. They are great in Your eyes.

You are the prodigal Lover. 

You Who actively search out the men, teaching us to use our strength to serve and protect, and reaching us deep inside, teaching us that You also are a warrior, and that Your warrior tradition looks like few we have ever seen or embraced, and You teach us to follow You and Your wisdom, to become brothers with You in Your never-ending search for the hearts of the prodigals. You teach us to offer our lives in strength and faith as You did and do. You have answered the prayers of our strength, and our strength has needed Your correction. You are great in our eyes.

You are the prodigal Teacher. 

O God, You are my God. I have encountered You and continue to, and I will never be the same. You have come in my darkness and shown the light of Truth. And only You know, with a perfect knowledge, how much I have needed and longed for Your Truth. 

It has been said that the lies spread around the world before the Truth gets out of bed. I have come to believe that such statements don’t apply here. 

I have not had faith in Your Truth nearly to the level that Your Truth warrants, yet You continue to teach me and invite me to come up to where You are and see things from Your perspective. Your perspective is the only one that truly matters. 

Thank You, O God, for being the answer to the cry of my prodigal heart. You are amazing to me. You tell the truth when it is not popular or well received, and You aren’t willing to back down on any level, regardless of the cost. How, O Lord, could the cost to You be any higher than it already was?

When You gave Your life, You gave it all. The power of that action has wrecked me.

Truly there is no one like You. 

You are THE Consuming Fire and I will worship, gladly, at Your feet.

Come, O God, make Your name great in our lives. Consume what has no eternal worth and give us the wealth of the Kingdom of God. We know that he who wins souls is wise. Release us into the fields of harvest, O God, for they are ripe and ready. 

But as for You, be glorified in our midst. Come, You, THE fountain of eternal blessing, come and illuminate our lives and hearts. Teach us to stand where we could not and live Your life through us.

Bring a revival and renew Your works again in our day and time!

Show us, O God, Your glory,and may we reflect it back to You! We love you, O God!!

Help us to love You more!

Original writing by REVIVALin2020©

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