Stories have been told the world over as far back as we can see through history. We’re told stories at night when we’re younger to help us get ready for the evening. We tell stories when we meet new people. When we study history, we’re learning the stories of others.
Stories don’t just exist to fill conversational space. They bring understanding to the world and help us to know our places in it.
Stories can bring both life and death. They can build up or tear down. They can distract, deflect or ring true. They can make sense or not.
Stories, along with the power that myth presents, continue to unfold among us today.
One of the oldest stories on record is found in the text of scripture. It’s a story of would-be gods and their servants who intended to deprive humanity of its relationship with its Maker and Father.
In this story, evil congregates together to deceive, manipulate and destroy, and evil brings blindness to us to keep us in the dark with its truer motives.
But it’s also true in this story that while evil wishes to destroy all it sees, there is hope.
The true God, one worthy of our time and attention, came to us in a form we could recognize and see and relate to and with. He didn’t come with platitudes. He came with the truth to a world blinded by its own prejudices and sin.
He came to reverse the effects of evil in creation and will one day restore the Edenic vision that He has never forsaken or forgotten.
Evil will be addressed. Every injustice will be accounted for. Every lie will be neutered with the truth. Every thought that has raised itself against this good Maker will falter, fail, and fall away.
The lies out there in culture are propagated by people who believe that it is better to “reign in hell than to serve in heaven”, and such people have embraced nonsense, and turned aside from the truth.
The reality of hope is that it still IS. It is still real. All of the tyrants in existence, both human and otherworldly are not able to reduce the efficacy of truth and its impact.
The world will one day be supernaturally restored by our Maker. Rationalism will not take us very far as a species, and we will discover and see that for a very long time, we have been loved and we have a home in our Father in heaven. Supernatural realities do indeed exist.
He has not forsaken us. He is not unaware of all that we have seen and been through.
If today, for any reason, your heart is broken and you lack hope and think that the heavens are brass and your prayers worthless, may you see the efficacy of your cries to the good and just God who cannot forget you any more than you could forget yourself.
He keeps us in ways that we don’t understand or see.
The darkness around the world has been put on notice by the just and good Being Who created all that we see and know with a word.
This is a story that has no end of drama and no lack of adventure, darkness, goodness and restoration. The evil in the world knows that its time is short, and while it can no longer take us from our Maker, it does its level best to blind us to Him.
Light can’t stay hidden forever. And evil will be out-thought, out acted and out-done on every level. With every action and step forward, it is contributing to its own undoing. I expect that this will continue.
At the long sought for end, all Godliness will prevail and will win, front to back throughout all creation. Jesus Christ is a warrior like no other. He is alive and active and love will, in fact, win.
Hold fast to what you know. The Truth doesn’t leave us or let us go. In the stories of the earth we catch wind of ancient spiritual conflicts that rage around us, largely unnoticed, today.
He who is the King of King and Lord of Lords is not dismayed by what we see out in the world today. And while we may all perish in the overall struggle, death does not get the final word or say regarding our eternal states. That will come through and by God alone and in Him, we win.
There is no other way. There is only one, and He has been setting the stage for His greatest triumph for millenia.
The time is short for evil. It will continue to rear its ugly, deceptive and unjust head and set itself against the Lord of all Lords.
Truth wins. Love overcomes. Light will outshine and remove all the darkness. We’re in a conflict of would-be gods and the Almighty Who has staked out His territory in us. We are His.
Things will not always be as they seem. And when it is all done and all things have come to pass, this will be the best of all possible stories.
Restoration is coming.
Original writing by REVIVALin20/20©