Imannuel Kant once said “Two things fill the mind with ever new and increasing admiration and awe, the more often and steadily we reflect upon them: the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me.”
The Bible tells us that the law of God is written on the hearts of men. This is true. It most certainly is. This is an incredible reality.
All over the world today we see people fighting to assert their intellectual dominance, and in this they fight to be free of Judeo/Christian influence. They strive to have the benefits of the Kingdom of God without the King of the Kingdom.
It is within this struggle that powerful realities emerge. When we as humans refuse to acknowledge God, we are setting ourselves up for a terrible fall. Throughout scripture, there were times where godly men and women cried out to God asking how long other people, who were engaging in evil, would be allowed to thrive and prosper. They lamented their own state seeking help, healing, favor and justice from God, believing that He and He alone could deliver the justice needed since all those around them seemed to favor turning a blind eye to the need for truth and oppressing those around them. What a terrible place to be, this is.
As scripture unfolds, we see God Himself calling for humanity to practice justice that we might experience the benefits and the light that real justice brings. Real justice also brings a powerful sense of hope to whomever is crying out for it. This is profound. Hope and justice that come from heaven are incredible realities to experience and behold. Indeed, they are life changing.
We also see in the text of scripture that there is an unfolding revelation of the character of God that comes over the years through revelation from God to members of the human race. The call to justice does not end, ever, anywhere, throughout the text. And as the revelation of Who God is culminates in the face of Jesus Christ, that call to justice is announced powerfully as Christ lays Himself down in death. He was innocent, yet driven to the cross to die as he was framed and accused of being someone and something that He is not.
We know the story, however. Three days later the tomb is empty. Justice in this case came from God Himself and came quickly. Furthermore, we’re told in the text that as a result of the resurrection from the dead, that Christ has inherited all nations. This does mean that the nations, even today, are under His authority.
So, when we cry out for justice that we feel has been delayed or denied, we are called as Christians to approach Him as the Judge that He is and ask and expect Him to render a verdict on our behalf. This He most certainly does. Justice is close to His heart and it means a great deal to Him. In fact, He expects to see justice in the earth and justice acted upon, daily.
A revival of true faith in the world will contribute to justice. When we call out to God to revive us again, He has a way of cutting through the things that layer our lives with confusion, loss of relationship with Himself and others and pain that the losses bring.
It is in our times of prayer with Him that His light shines brightest in our very spirits, and this powerfully reminds us that we are not only not alone, but that we are citizens of the heavenly kingdom. Heaven is THE place where His will is done on a constant basis, and our place in prayer is where we are shown and come to experience these realities. It is as if we are being fed with the light of heaven while we are still bound to the stone and dust of earth. This is again, a powerful reality for Christians, a reality experienced the world over every day.
A cry and a call for revival is also a cry and a call for justice from the hand of God. Make no mistake, He loves justice. He loves to revive His work in our lives as well.
We live in a world that is in rebellion against the King. So much of our suffering has come because Christians represent an authority higher than all human authority, and because God in us is capable of thoroughly remaking us from top to bottom and setting us free from our sins, even those sins that we simply do not see.
Christians represent a power and authority structure that is not of this world and that is a threat to the systems of this world, pure and simple. These worldly systems are in rebellion. We, however, are not. We are called to stand with our God for the truth and we are called to bear witness to the resurrection of Jesus Christ that we know and experience in our lives, however imperfect we may be.
Revival is a fire that comes in and consumes all of our injustices, our sins, and our ingrained ways that we have of missing the mark. When the fire consumes, we see very quickly that what is left has eternal value and everything else is simply gone. We find freedom then that no power, no elected official, no law can fully wipe out.
In that freedom we find the answers to our cries for justice which so many of us have so desperately needed. In that freedom we find our relationship with God fully restored and open to us. In that freedom we find that heaven itself seems to open and we partake in the highest order of God’s love and abundance. We find that He gives us the faith to do what we must do, because faith is truly sight, seeing things as they truly are.
To the ladies of the church around the world, it is often on your shoulders that the call to intimacy with Christ seems to fall the loudest. This call to intimacy, knowing Him spirit to spirit, is profound and changes us. The call for revival is also going to fall on many of your shoulders since so many of you have prioritized your relationship with God in your sufferings. You have gone to Him in the quiet places that no one sees, but God does see. He does hear you. He is listening. You have power with God in the place of prayer and worship. You are not weak in Him. And He will continue coming to you in your times of prayer. Cry out, cry loud and cry long for His will to be followed in the hearts of humankind in the earth!
We will all be praying together for this. Oh, how He loves us.
Let me encourage you that if you are seeking justice, don’t give up. He has heard your cries and He feels your pain. He will never forsake you. Not for one day, not for one minute. God is indeed with you and your prayers have power.
There are ways that seem right to men that lead to death. The world seems to be taken with this right now. But the harvest is plentiful and the people of God need to march forward in prayer, on their knees, deriving their very lives from His bountiful Presence. He is THE good God.
Our times of prayer where we experience God will be used to show us the way that we should walk and the inner witness of the Holy Spirit will confirm this to us and empower us to follow the will of the Father.
This is the necessary path. It is lit with the lamp of His Presence. It is a holy thing and He walks with us to lead us. May you know, today, the richness of His Presence and the closeness of His friendship. Walk with Him and He will satisfy your very soul.
This is the Way.
Original writing by REVIVALin2020©