Tag: resurrection

The Resurrection

The resurrection event is the most important and powerful event in human history. It stands as an earth-shattering benchmark of hope for the human race, for in this event, not only is the god of this world put on notice that a creation-wide restoration is underway, but our Maker stood up for His people in the most powerful way possible. This awe inspiring moment in human history was brought to us all by the mighty hand and heart of God and the only thing that will equal its power and scope will be the return of Jesus Christ. This is the Way

Palm Sunday

In the Old Testament as God Almighty was leading the Israelites out of Egypt, a very interesting drama began to unfold. That drama found its resolution in Palm Sunday and the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Personal Revival

“The stories of revivals form the true history of the church and to observe the means and instruments by which God has carried out His work cannot fail to be profitable and quickening…” Scottish preacher, Horatius Bonar, witness to the revivals in Scotland between 1839-42. As I write these words, I have to admit I’m…
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