I am amazed O Lord, at Your heart.
I am amazed O God, at Your character. I am amazed Lord, at Your deeds. I am amazed at Your Light. I am amazed at the revelation of You. I am amazed at the power of Your Word. I am amazed at Your kindness and compassion.
I am amazed at how You heal us. I am amazed at the power of Your Truth. I am amazed at Your deep love for those we’ve forgotten. I am amazed at Your great tenderness for the oppressed. I am amazed at how you fill us with Your Presence.
I am amazed at Your consuming fire. I am amazed at how You reveal the truth of our failings. I am amazed at how You restore us from failure to life! I am amazed at how You value the small things. I am amazed at how You come to restore justice and peace.
I am amazed at how You provided for the widow at Zarephath and how You led a prophet to her aid and help. I am amazed at how You confronted Israel with Your power and threw down the false gods. I am amazed that You would speak to Abraham, call him out of Ur of the Chaldeans and teach him Who and What a God really is. I am amazed that You taught him as You did, and I’m amazed at how You caused him to respond.
I am amazed that You walked with Adam in the garden in the cool of the evening. I am amazed at how You fulfilled your promises to Joseph in ancient Egypt. I am amazed at how You supported Moses, the stutterer, and led him to free the Jews from their terrible bondage. I am amazed at how You protected Moses when he was a baby, adrift on the Nile.
I am amazed at how You patiently loved Israel through all of her wanderings and infidelities to You. I am amazed at Your patience and passion for people when we break all of our promises that we’ve made to You. I am amazed at the power and tune of Your forgiveness, how it never fails.
I am amazed at how many people who have lost their hope and dreams here, staggering through the miasma of sin, and how they find their hope in You and find it so readily given, too.
I am amazed at how the raw power of Your Presence overwhelms us, causing us to want to run yet causing us to want to be embraced by Your fiery devotion at the same time. I am amazed at how, in those moments, You cause us to trust You.
I am amazed that, since You know and knew that we cannot see Your Face without being overcome, You came in the flesh, taking on the nature of a servant and served us all. I am amazed that the King served His subjects so deeply and so well, and then made us His friends.
I am amazed at the power of the Divine heart we see in Jesus Christ. I am amazed at how Jesus never deviated from His message, not once. I am amazed at how many times I have deviated, yet You have never failed to be exactly Who I need.
I am amazed and thankful that You care as much as You do for the lost, for the downtrodden and for the oppressed. I am powerfully amazed and in awe of How you come to those whom the world has forgotten and those whom the world does not care to see, yet You set up Your kingdom right there, in their hearts.
I am amazed at how the riches of the Kingdom of God are given to those whom the world has despised because of their lack of sophistication. I am amazed that it is with those people that You have chosen to dwell, and You honor them with power, kindness and Your unfailing love.
I am amazed at how I think that the lies are more prevalent than the Truth, yet to You, that is not the case. I am amazed at how Your confidence overwhelms the lies and submits them to the Truth, always.
I am amazed at how You expose the darkness to the light, and how that is a powerful act of compassion and love.
I am amazed at the tenderness of Your heart and at how You reveal this to us. I am amazed to find that we have been created to know You, and at how Your kingdom is a perfect fit for our hearts.
I am amazed at how the Holy Spirit speaks to us in a still small voice, that voice that we come to treasure and love and recognize quickly. I am amazed at how, when we worship You, we are able to draw closer to You in love and unity with You and with each other.
I am amazed at Your works, how You have moved in the hearts of mankind for eons, showing the nations Your truth and walking humanity to the deep places of God.
I am amazed at the perfection of Your character. I am amazed at the power of Your holiness for the fire that it is. I am amazed that You consume the things in our lives that have no eternal value, for in You, how can we lose or fail to have what does not last?
I am amazed at Your profound tenderness for those with broken hearts.
I am amazed at Your light, O God.
I am amazed to discover that the fear of God is a good thing, and that it does not diminish the raw power of Your loving heart to us.
I am amazed to discover, O God, the revelation of the Truth of Who You are, and that these things lie at the center of all creation.
When I consider You, O God, and Your ways and when I am in Your powerful Presence, it is there that I see that darkness will not prevail, that I have every reason to be confident in Your Truth, that there is a powerful reality well beyond what I can see or perceive and it is there that the reality of Truth is a freight train that the straw of evil cannot overcome.
It is there that I am again amazed at Who You are and I am amazed that I can experience Who You are. It is there that I am again amazed to discover that experiencing You is always exactly what I need and what we all need. It is in Your Presence that the hope of Truth conveys peace again to my heart and mind and that I can rest, knowing that You are seeing to the lives of the defenseless and forgotten among us.
O God, O God, O God, there is no one like You. In all of Your ways, You are holy and You tell the Truth. In all of Your deeds You show righteousness, Lord. You have taken my questions and led me like the good Father You are, and I am always in need of Your touch. You do not fail to provide what I need when I need it. I am amazed that You have taken the tears of my pain and not forgotten a single one. You know each tear and rip to my heart.
I am amazed at You, Lord. Thank you for drawing us in. Thank you for teaching us Who You are. Thank you for never failing. Teach us again to be confident in You, and Lord…renew Your great deeds in our day and time.
Revive our wounded hearts, O God, as only You can. Revive our flagging spirits. Be the Truth in our hearts and mouths. Be the Light of our lives. Be the renewal in our minds.
I am amazed, O Lord. There is no one like You. Be Thou glorified in our midst and come with Your consuming fire. Revive us again!
Original writing by REVIVALin2020©