This year has been a wild year. There’s no doubt about it. The world has felt the impact of political polarization like rarely before, and it has indeed impacted most of the planet.
But the political warfare, which will have it’s winners and losers, isn’t where the real game is. It is impacted by the real game, for better or for worse, but our political realities are going to pass away.
Worldwide there is a tension building. People are starting to feel it. It moves through us daily if we’re starting to pay attention on some level.
People are starting to pray. And they’re not being casual about it either. They’re sacrificing sleep, work, and play to spend time in the very real Presence of God.
These are the beginnings of revival.
We’re starting to see places that we’ve forgotten in our cultural experience and we are seeing the first tastes of a move of God here and there. Some of these places are even in our prisons, which is utterly remarkable and exactly what we would expect, knowing God’s character on some level.
The comfort and position we’ve enjoyed in life, our connections and accomplishments, aren’t satisfying us as much as they used to. The praise of people is starting to leave us feeling cold and empty, as if we are trying to fill ourselves with the wrong elixir.
Yet we’ve managed to stay in these lesser games of seeking praise from others and using our accomplishments to fill our lives, and we ignore the growing void inside.
How it nags at us. If you feel this lack, this frustration of fulfillment that isn’t doing what you expected it to do, well, good. That means that a certain time may be growing close for you. What time might this be, exactly?
It’s the time where our frustration leads to desperation. Our desperation will lead us to cry out to God, usually in anger, demanding to know why, if this is all there is, are we not satisfied with it?
God knows that I’m not.
So, the question is, are you desperate? When you are desperate for something so much more than what you see and when you angrily start to question God and how this life could be the abundant life He promised, because your very spirit cries out that there must be more, it is then that you are near the truth of it. As George MacDonald stated, ” When with all the loved around thee, still thy heart says ‘ I am lonely’ it is well, Truth hath found thee. Rest is with the Father only”. The point is that when we have what we thought we needed all around us yet we are not satisfied and we are approaching a state of spiritual desperation, that place becomes the nexus of our lives and God steps in.
He steps in because it is there that we are at the end of ourselves, and coming to that brutal end is so very costly. It is a deadly thing in some ways and this is not to be trifled with. But if you get there, you will most certainly find God.
This I experientially know.
Do you hear me?
And when you find God there, you will find more than you dreamed possible, and certainly more than you knew. It won’t make your life easy, perhaps. It might not satisfy your ambitions for your life.
But speaking from personal experience, you will find that when you encounter God Almighty you are most willing to give up the little gods you established for yourself and you feel as if you’ve lost nothing and gained everything when you have Him. Your accolades, accomplishments, financial security and all the little altars that we bow to daily quickly meet the sudden fire of God’s presence, and then you find that you are willing to lose what has no eternal value and you realize that in Him, you have gained everything.
Make no mistake. This is very real.
This I experientially know.
His Presence is indeed like a consuming fire.
And then, you are satisfied in God. All things in your life take on their proper perspective and hues, and you no longer struggle to fill the nameless void inside. Because He, this great God, this utterly Holy Being, He Who Is and Who Is To Come gives you exactly what you were made for.
It starts when our desperation leads us to lament and pray, bemoaning our restless state. But…how quickly He shows Himself in our pain and panic! And how deeply we need this great Being.
I’m not satisfied. The culmination of my life and of my lifes work over the years has led me to exactly what I’ve described above.
I know I’m not the only one.
There are many othes out there in the holy places of holy discontent. And our hearts ache for the fire of God’s Presence.
And we shall have it. He will not deny us. He is coming to you. Get ready. Get ready for you will trade your mourning for dancing.
Our God is a consuming fire. Who is like HIm?
Come to Him. Reach out to Him. Cry out to Him in your pain and longing. As God is my witness, He will meet you when you are ready to meet HIm. Don’t give up, friends. God loves you. Let’s learn to follow Him.
He is the Way, the Truth and the sole satisfier of Life. There is no one like Him.
This is the Way.
Original writing by REVIVALin2020©