There are so many wounded and damaged people in the world.
When we have all experienced tragedy and loss, and when we experience anger and pain, screaming at the void above our heads seems to be a regular go-to reaction, and for good reason.
Theologians and atheists alike have struggled mightily to understand how and why suffering exists in the world. It often comes at exactly the wrong moment, and you feel kicked when you’re down.
This is a brutal reality of life, no matter if you live in the developed western world or in a third world nation.
You will not be able to make sense of your suffering unless one thing occurs. Your peace will not ultimately come through meditation, through one religion or another, or through one religious study or another. Walking away from God because of your suffering does not make sense, any more than atheism does. And atheism is certainly an intellectually bankrupt system of thought, offering nothing.
There is one reality that works. It is not there to answer all of your questions at once. That is not the purpose.
This reality is that you can, most certainly, experience God. You can, most certainly, experience His presence, and experience Him on a daily basis.
You can, most certainly, come to a place of profound and incredible peace, despite your circumstances and in spite of your loss.
This freedom, this peace is only found in Jesus Christ. Everything else, every other system and relativism lacks the capability of healing you, and when you’re desperate enough to understand this, it will come to you. It will come to you because God Almighty is near to the broken hearted, and to those whom we have all forgotten in society. This includes the widow, the orphan, the fatherless, the stranger and the prisoner.
The real time Presence of our Holy God heals us, even as our wounds demand answers. God does us one better. You can have answers or healing. One or the other. The irony is that if you choose the healing, you will see your answer in a surprising way. You can attempt to intellectually master the reasons for suffering, or you can experience the Healer of your suffering, spirit to Spirit. God came to help us to know Him in “spirit and in truth”.
God did not come to the earth to give us intellectual footprints to follow to find peace. If your pursuit is purely intellectual, you have lost your way.
He came to give us experiential footprints to follow to find peace. He came to give us the experience of Himself, of knowing Him and learning to live in and through Him.
This is the truth, and if you’re broken enough you will most certainly hear this and know it. This is the Truth, it is found in Christ Jesus, and it’s time for you to come home.
Get going.
This is the Way.
Original writing by REVIVALin2020©