The fires of Pentecost have not gone out.
We think that they have, but they haven’t.
From the power of the Upper Room, a fire was lit that would spread into all the earth. It would pervade the darkest of atmospheres, and penetrate the lowliest of hovels.
It would seek the lame, the blind, the lost and the loose as emissaries of a great and Divine Kingdom, the likes of which the world has never seen and could not comprehend.
But we have our ways; our own abilities to fool ourselves into thinking that we are who we are not. We are not ok without God. We are not ok without His Presence. We are not ok without His love, and only His love will do.
There aren’t enough men, women, drugs or dollars in the world to satisfy the human heart the way that God and only God can. This is reality. It will never be anything other.
You cannot stand in the way of God’s grace and love for you and your life any more than an egg can stand in the way of a missile. And it’s a good thing, too.
Because, as the Bible teaches, dark forces are gathered and they do indeed want nothing more than your destruction. They didn’t come to play.
They hate you because God Almighty decided that human beings were in the family. This is racial tension at it’s worst.
But, God cannot get enough of any one of us. You might be Marilyn Manson, or Billy Graham. The fact remains that God sees us clearly and loves each one of us without reservation or regret. He rejoices over every hooker, every deadbeat, every liar, every thug, every home wrecker, every addict, every murderer, every thief, because He cannot help Himself. He simply loves and He restores.
A lot of christians will one day discover that there aren’t as many people in hell as they hoped. A lot of atheists will one day find a plurality of reasons to put their trust in God. A lot of preachers are going to be wonderfully pleased to find out that God doesn’t hate humanity. A lot of homeless people are going to find that their biggest advocate will do everything to love them, and will honor them like no one else can.
In Luke 12:49, the Lord stated that He ” came to bring fire to the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled!”
The fires were kindled at Pentecost. We’ve thought that they’ve gone out but they haven’t, and they will return full force. And the entire world will hear of and will return to the Lord, and the nations will truly rejoice.
That is where this ends. The liars of today won’t get to write the final chapter.
It’s been written.
So, before my Maker and those who have opposed Him, I remind those who chose poorly that the fires of Pentecost have not gone out.
Revival is coming. Restoration is near. The world will again hear, remember, and return.
Original writing by REVIVALin2020©