Category: Revivals Throughout History

The Asbury Revival

Listen to the full podcast episode and prayer below and stay tuned for the written blog version coming soon!

The Prodigal Treasure

Who is like You, O God? You Who pick up the fallen, restore the broken and remember the forgotten.  You Who honor the prisoner and wash his wounds and clean the blood from his hands and heart.  You Who determine the fate of the powerful who rail against You for they have determined that they…
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Gossip About God

They who gossip about God… We’ve all felt it. The sting of someone talking about us behind our backs. It hurts. It wounds and it takes a while to heal. Gossip often involves spreading a lie at the expense of someone else’s reputation, and to make matters worse, they aren’t there to defend themselves.  We’ve…
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Personal Revival

“The stories of revivals form the true history of the church and to observe the means and instruments by which God has carried out His work cannot fail to be profitable and quickening…” Scottish preacher, Horatius Bonar, witness to the revivals in Scotland between 1839-42. As I write these words, I have to admit I’m…
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Our Crutches

We have to be healed from our crutches… Take a minute today and go through your posts and your friends posts on social media. The election has thrown everyone into a topsy-turvy mode, and people are, in fact, losing it. All over I’m seeing people who are attempting to digest the reality that their candidate…
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Azusa Street Revival

Azusa Street. It’s located in Los Angeles, California. Depending on whether or not you’ve heard of this place, it tends to evoke a reaction and a response if you do. The revivals that took place in 1906 in a dilapidated two-story building in downtown LA have produced a wild range of critiques over the years.…
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The Second Great Awakening

Following on the heels of the First Great Awakening, the stage became set in America 1790 for the next monumental spiritual revival to shake and revitalize the heart of the nation recovering from the ravages of war. The Second Great Awakening is one of four, and is defined by historians as being less emotional than…
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The Wesleyan Revivals

Throughout history, God has had a habit of bringing the right men and women along, at the right time, to a nation that needed to hear the message of revival and restoration back unto the Lord.  When the situation in a nation became dire through people living as if they are and were a law…
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The Welsh Revival

“Revival”. What a word. It has had so many applications and uses. Yet, for Christians, it remains a word that inspires hope when used in its proper context. For those with hungry hearts for God and for deeply spiritual things, it reminds them of times in history where God visited His people with power and…
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